Thursday, 25 July 2013


I need to do research into different magazine adverts because it will give me a better idea of what needs to be included in an advert and a better idea of the layout.  


The band name "The Killers" is at the top of the page and the font is the same font which is used on The Killers albums. The bands logo is their name in that particular font so it is important to continue to use the same font. The Royal Albert Hall is in the middle which is where the songs were recorded and filmed so showing the location which is a well known venue would be a bigger insentive for someone to buy the live album. Showing the songs in a large white font against the dark purple/black background makes them really stand out and the font is easy to read. Adding the date is important because it means that people will know when the album and putting it in the bottom makes it memorable as it should be the last thing which people see/read.


The image in the centre and taking up most of the page is very creepy and would leave a lasting effect on the person looking at the poster. It includes sections of band members faces as well as a bird of prey. The black/grey image makes it stand out even more and therefore makes it even more effective to look at. The _KINGS_OF_LEON and the _ONLY_BY_THE_NIGHT text is in capitals and is in a font making it look as though it is on a computer which is a unique way of presenting the texts. The bright font colours stand out and make it clear for the reader to read on the black background. The band name is at the top of the page (like The Killers advert) and beneath the album name, which is under the image, are some of the songs which are included on the album. The date which the album is out- NOW- is at the bottom of the page making it memorable- like The Killers advert.


Unlike the other magazine adverts, the album name is at the top of the page and so is the first thing which people will read. The artists name Kanye West is then above an image of the album. The abum cover is really simple and so is the magazine advert which I think is really cool and looks really effective. It also means that all of the readers attention will be on the information on the advert which is the only information that the readers need to know. The bold font in black stands out really well against the white background and the simple font makes it easy to read. I think that having an image of the album is really good becauase it shows what the user would be buying or looking for in shops or online.

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