Saturday, 30 November 2013


One thing which needed to be improved from my first draft was the volume of mise en scene I used in my location. I wanted to make it look very full and busy to please and entertain the intended target audience so to do this I needed to use a lot of props.

This is how the room looked after all of the mise en scene had been added which I believe to be a huge improvement from my original video. The first time around, it looked a bit empty and quite drab which wouldn't have necessarily grabbed the attention of the intended target audience and so it wouldn't have been a memorable video. By adding the amount of props which I have, I think the room looks a lot more interesting and fun as well as quirky and vintage which is something that would appeal to my intended target audience. 


In this section I have used: vintage books, vintage looking tins, candles, a lantern type candle, vintage style boxes, a fan, trinket boxes as well as hanging objects, jewelry, pillows and a vintage looking tape measure which looked really fitting with the rest of the mise en scene. I think that by positioning the objects to look intentionally messy and busy makes it look quirky- which a comment I got in my feedback from my first draft. 

Here I have used: handbags, a vintage style owl shaped pillow (very cool), russian dolls, gift boxes, candles- including one in the shape of a VW camper van which looked very vintage yet trendy, a red trunk- which you cant really see) a vintage style chest of draws and a vintage style hanging dress trinket which was very fitting with the look I was going for and reflected the style of my artist well.

Here, you can see where I have filled a jar full of cotton reels in order to create a busy, colourful look (which I think works really well) , ornaments such as the cat, quirky shaped candles, hanging trinkets, vintage style boxes, a vintage style notepad, the flowery vintage bed cover and a union jack pillow.

These vintage style items add to the busyness of the room which I wanted to portray. To do this I have used the vintage style union jack pillow, a door stop which uses bright colours and a bold patter, a vintage, unique looking money box with some change in it to give authenticity, a lantern, a fluffy pillow and a vintage looking tin of pegs.

Here shows the side display unit where I have continued to give a busy, vintage look. On this table I have included a vintage, flowery make up trunk, a candle with a bright, vintage candle, a candle in a frosted glass look, a bucket, two watering cans, a vintage style handbag, a welly boot money box, nail varnishes, tins, a box with a vintage pattern, hanging trinkets, lots of jewelry which give the vintage style I am going for, a hand mirror and some fairly lights. All of these items make to room look quirky ad interesting which is how I wanted it to look. Also, on the bed I have included more candles, more trinket boxes, more jewelry, some flowers, some more hanging trinkets, a blue bag to appeal to the target audience and a vintage style clock to add to the overall vintage aesthetic. 

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