Who: I am going to be filming my artist for the final version of my video to make the ammendments necessary in order to boost my grade and make it better for the audience to watch. My artist has stayed the same since the first draft and therefore she will know what to do and also will know the words (which was a minor issue last time we shot).
What: Re-filming the video to get a better, more professional look throughtout. The professional aspect needs to be noticable as a step up from my first draft as the poor lighting and poor mise en scene made the video look very drab.
When: 27th November in the evening. Although filming time is quite late, it as given me the change to think everything through and gather more props to dress the room in a more quirk way as that was an issue last time because the room looked really boring and not how i wanted it to look
Where: Same location, however more things everywhere to make it look more fun and interesting. Whoo!
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